Our Courts must be put in Check before they put us in Checkmate

If it’s one thing about Conservative Review’s Daniel Horowitz, he understands that our judicial system as of this moment does have the final authority regarding our Constitution and what laws we shall live under. This in spite of the intent of our founders to have our courts as the weaker branch. The progressives understand this and they exploited it really good, for the advancement of their agenda. In times past, our courts upheld slavery of black people and internment camps for Asians (especially those of Japanese heritage).

Today our Supreme Court ruled that pre-born baby murder is legal (e.g. abortion) and allowed women to copulate without to worry of ever procreating when their busy schedule can’t permit. The Supreme Court also finally allowed people who preferred their same gender the right to “marriage” and thus redefining what the family unit. After all its about “love,” right?

Daniel has a right to be worried about how Justice Neil Gorsuch (who was recently confirmed to the Supreme Court) is phrasing his oral arguments regarding amnesty for illegal aliens. Gorsuch according to Hororwitz is “expressing skepticism” at the argument made by deputy Solicitor General Edwin Kneedler that the Department of Justice should have broad authority the interpret a crime of violence. It seems that according to Gorsuch, that the alien criminal has every right to stay in this country and I quote Hororwitz; “unless the court can determine beyond a shadow of a doubt that the crime is included in statute and that the statute is not “unconstitutionally vague.” He is suggesting that asking the Supreme Court to overturn the activist Ninth Circuit is somehow an act of legislative intervention.” All those people who were on the ‘Trump Train’ that said that we now have a Republican appointed conservative judge, and this why we had to vote for Trump. All I have to say is that these Trump supporters are acting fat, dumb, and happy. Wait till Gorsuch rules in favor of amnesty. I (as well as Horowitz) hope we are wrong about this, but our gut feelings say otherwise.

Meanwhile the religious cleansing continues via the courts. In the state of Pennsylvania, the flag of Lehigh County is now deemed unconstitutional and the “Christian Cross” that has been on the flag for so long need to be removed. Funny thing, the Judge personally did not feel that it violated the First Amendment, but that dreaded precedent made by a lower court judge said there was no “secular purpose” for the Cross. Another victory for the first wave progressive group Freedom From Religion Foundation. Now they are calling for “Secular Voices” to be heard in order to force to county to recreate their country flag without that offensive cross. For a group that is proud to call abortion “a blessing” for women and society, you bet your hard earned dollar that the cross is an offensive to that belief of justified death.

It does not have to be this way. If we ever get a Convention of States started, one of the very first amendments we must propose is an amendment that would take away the courts ability to have a final say regarding our laws of the land (as the one proposed by Mark Levin in his best seller “The Liberty Amendments”). If the courts are going to be a legislative branch of sorts (twisting our U.S. Constitution like taffy to fit their bias), then the real legislative branches should have the ability to overrule their decisions if they feel they are in the wrong. We should also push for term limits for justices and just not grant them life in the bench until they retire or pass away whichever comes first. There must be a Check made on these justices, before these justices put rest of us in Checkmate. It can happen and then the real tyranny shall begin.

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