Democrats will side with our sworn enemies to protect Obama’s Iran Deal

The Democrats will do anything to protect the legacy of their own, until they can no longer do so. While big money donor Harvey Weinstein has become a burden to the cause, former President Barack Hussein Obama II is still riding high, and the progressives want to protect as much of his pathetic legacy as they can. Even if that means siding with our sworn enemies, which they done before and have done so again.

I am in total agreement with Mark Levin that the progressive leftist Democrats are siding with Iran and its tyrannical government. But hey we had Jimmy Carter, who indirectly helped Ayatollah Khomeini overthrow Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (e.g. the Shah of Iran), and ushered in the Islamic Republic of Iran. You don’t hear a pep from the cultishly loyal Democrats about that blunder. Instead you hear about how is such a good seminarian, and while he might be helping certain good causes, he is still a progressive ideologue if he was not there before.

While President Donald Trump has not decertify and dropped the Iran deal (and he should have), he has put Iran on notice. The progressives are protesting that the Iran deal must stay in its original form. The form being what was drafted under Obama and his administration. Congress now has less than 60 days to make the changes do this Iran deal, but knowing the cultists of the Democratic Party they will try to push back and thwart any changes. That includes using the dreaded filibuster in the Senate.

The reality is that Iran and its government are building ICBM missiles which will be aimed not only against us, but the country of Israel along with our other allies. But hey the left prefers to side with Palestine, but that’s another commentary piece. Already Iran and the terrorists from the respected nation have already killed thousands of Americans, and they still scream; “Death to America.” President Trump is right, the deal was a one-way street with the money and power going one way. Towards the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America gets nothing.

In fact, Iran was in the verge of collapse but thanks to Obama and European sympathizers, Iran gets a second, third, maybe fourth wind. Right now, there is no way to put the choke chain on Iran. They awaiting their time to make the move, and move they shall. If we can’t control Iran especially right now, it’s likely that will as America will be going to war with Iran no more than ten years plus. The Democrats would rather protect Obama and what he is done regarding the Iran deal then actually do the right thing, which would be reign the Islamic Republic in and stand for America and its founding principles (which they hate anyway). In siding with Obama and his legacy, they are siding with the enemy hands down. There are no exceptions here. The Democrats were always bad to some degree, but now they are the party of Saul Alinsky and his “radical” disciples.

I have my issues with Donald Trump, but I always applauded if he actually forwards and is successful in advancing a conservative and American agenda. Not what I prefer but if it puts a strong collar and chain on Iran, I welcome it.

Harvey Weinstein and company are worse than the Hollywood Blacklist

If anything about the downfall of Harvey Weinstein, it truly opened up something that many of us suspected about the entertainment industry. The industry is truly operated by master criminals and thieves who are only care about themselves and their personal gratification.

They have not only robbed people of their own money (legal or not), but also stolen the dignity and innocence (if any) from the many performers they wanted to take advantage of and successfully did. These actors and actresses let Weinstein (and others) do it because they were the gatekeepers in the business and could make or break careers.

They also had media and government sympathizers in high places, that would protect them from any accountability. This is why the business is so politically progressive, and why it never saw any problems with sexualized pop divas of the past and present, the content of adult language and graphic sex and violence in many of today’s movies, or even a combination of the above regarding plays and musicals. This is also why the entertainment business never came under the same scrutiny as like many other corporate industries have. Just follow the money and who is making it.

They were many people who wanted to get back at Weinstein and what he did to them personally, but were afraid to do so in fear of retaliation. Because of the power that these entertainment moguls like Weinstein have or had, these performers would not do what was right and allowed them to get more and more power in the business.

The Democrat party loved Weinstein because he gave money to not only the party apparatus but also to individual candidates and the progressive causes and coalitions they believed in and supported. The only reason why the entertainment industry loved Bill Clinton so much was and still is, a reflection on who they are. People who just needed that sexual fix each and every day, no matter what. They just wanted to “do it” with every young woman and even certain young men that they encounter. You wonder why the Democrats in California with the approval of Governor Jerry Brown changed the law regarding intended infection of the HIV virus from a felony to a misdemeanor (including infected blood donations)? The apple does not fall short of the tree.

But Weinstein is just the symptom of a bigger problem. It just that Weinstein has become a burden, and what do you do with any burden? You have to let it go. These progressives were hesitant to let him go. But as soon as the Obama’s and Clinton’s of the world called Weinstein’s bluff; the likes of the National Organization for Women (NOW) and then some were given the green light to follow suit. Weinstein is feeling the pain and backlash of political and cultural will that the likes of Woody Allen, and Roman Polanski didn’t feel and there was not enough pushback to bring those men to justice. Meryl Streep might have just recently taken a piece of Weinstein’s hide but this was the same woman that that is still supportive of Polanski in spite of what he did to then 13-year-old Samantha Geimer.

The Los Angeles Times editorial page is right when it says that the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences’ Board of Governors needs to go after other movie big wigs. I also agree with syndicated talk show host Mark Levin that a temporary FBI unit be created in order to round up not just Weinstein but other perverts in the entertainment business and see if there was truly any criminal wrong doing and coverups. This is far worse than the so called “Hollywood Blacklist” of the 1940’s and 1950’s.

NFL in a fast decline

The NFL is on a fast decline, and these players are only hurting themselves. If there are legit grievances that the local police have done to the African American, then those issues need to be discussed.

This taking a knee in protest during our national anthem, has proven to be the wrong call and the American people are pulling out their yellow cloth (i.e. Penalty Flag) and placing it in the front of these Black Lives Matters sympathizers. I am sure Colin Kaepernick is smiling about what he started since last year.

The African Americans have allowed themselves to be enslaved by the Democrats once again. As Lyndon Baines Johnson advocated and I shall paraphrase; you give them “a little something” to make them comfortable but not too much to upset the Democrat Party nor have the revolt against it. LBJ was successful in having the black community “vote Democratic for the next 200 years.” I pointed out in my previous piece about how minorities made “The Star Spangled Banner” a pop hit in the late 1960’s and early 1990’s (Top 20 hit for the late Whitney Houston).

The Marxists have been able to convince many minority players in the NFL (coupled with the NFL players union) to follow Kaepernick’s example and continue what he started. They are nothing but useful idiots for the progressives to put a wedge against themselves and the fans of the NFL. This knelling is not a protest against police brutality, but rather a protest against America and those who fought and died for what it stands for. Whether they know this or not. The Marxists have successfully turned the African American citizen into the imperial stormtooper (of sorts) for their cause to transform America into another Communist Marxist dystopia. Wait till these Marxists do get what they want and do to the protesters of their beloved nation. It will be a blood bath. Those who take a knee for this brave new country better be prepared be shot by a firing squad, if not thrown into some kind of furnace or lion’s den.

But then again, Steve Deace pointed out a clip (in his “Fake News or Not” segment on his CRTV program) in which an African American Woman guest on CNN tries to put the white male guest in his place; telling him he can’t tell black people what to do and playing her race card. I can only agree with Deace’s analysis on those remarks. Your only helping Trump get stronger, and likely giving Trump a second term in the White House, if not President for life. For all of Trump’s faults, at least he loves his country.

The question I have to ask these NFL players; Do you really love your country? If you do, then understand what you are really saying when you knell during the national anthem. If you honestly do and continue to knell then you should be joining Kaepernick in the Free Agent line, because you don’t love America, and you hate the people that want to see you play. Your vanity could be not only the downfall of you the players, but the organization that is too afraid to reign you guys in. Now if you admit that you are wrong and get your act together and put your helmet in your left hand, and stand proud and tall while (hand over heart optional if I am not mistaken) “The Star Spangled Banner” is sung; then you will show respect for the fans who truly love America (as well as your love for America). Only then can the healing take place.

Our national anthem is not about white power. It’s about why we went to war (and continue to go to war) and what we fought for, was our Liberty. The real haters of American have truly suckered the NFL players and they are laughing to the bank sort of speak. Just goes to show you that Progressiveism has morphed into the would be state and civic religion of our nation.

Freedom From Religion Foundation shows its true progressive colors

Donald Trump’s recent order rolling back Obamacare’s Birth Control Mandate that forces business to provide something that runs contrary to the owners’ faith and convictions was big news last week.

You have heard that first wave progressive group ACLU is going to fight this, and so will another first wave progressive group. That being the “Freedom From Religion Foundation.” FFRF cried foul on this, and consider this action a “perversion of Religious Liberty.” In their small minds, “religious dogma should not Trump our civil liberties;” unless of course it’s their dogma. When it comes to abortion rights so called (i.g. child killing/pre-born baby murder), it is absolute and not ‘relative’ like they claim when it comes to questioning moral absolutes based on Judeo-Christian “dogma.” The FFRF and other like minds want ‘abortion on demand’ (cause as FFRF well tell you “Abortion is a Blessing”) and the right for women (it helps men to push their women to kill their unborn child as well) to copulate like animals but not procreated like the animals. Truth of matter is, that animals don’t have that flexibility when it comes to sexual relationships. First wave progressive groups like the ACLU and FFRF don’t want to just force business owners, but faith groups to violate their consciences and personal convictions (must be brushed aside for the State Sanctioned Civil Religion) so that women can be sexually liberated once and for all.

FFRF’s favorite historical idol is posted on their press release. That being Margaret Sanger who popularized the term; “No Gods, No Masters.” They also like her advocacy about women controlling their own bodies regardless of whom it hurts (mostly the unborn babies regardless of they are boys or girls). Sanger actual said that women must be able not only to create but to also destroy. She also must be able to love, and to be an unmarried mother. Wonder why “Murphy Brown” creator Diane English called Dan Quayle’s bluff (back in the early 1990’s) when he got upset about the title character deciding to copulate, procreate but not marry the father? Well you have Sanger to thank for that kind of thinking. You don’t like out of wedlock birth, then keep abortion legal. Hey it would give pop singer turned fashionista Jessica Simpson cover when she had her two children out of the wedlock many years later in the real world. Unlike the ‘fictional character’ that David Letterman reminded us who Murphy Brown was, Simpson actually did marry the man that knocked her up, vice versa. Good for them.

Still the feminist dogma of the popular culture made its macro impact, as Benjamin Wilhelm points out in his piece about “Nice Guys” in the 21st Century finishing last. Men are indeed paying the price and feminism has damaged out culture, and our relationships with the opposite gender. The conservative Bible Believing Christian Church is not immune to this. Even if certain elements (that are honestly Bible Believing) support gender roles over egalitarianism, and fight against child killing. When you hear women tell you to stay out of the lady parts, they are just mouthing off Sanger. It should also be noted that she was also a proud sexual whole.

Our Courts must be put in Check before they put us in Checkmate

If it’s one thing about Conservative Review’s Daniel Horowitz, he understands that our judicial system as of this moment does have the final authority regarding our Constitution and what laws we shall live under. This in spite of the intent of our founders to have our courts as the weaker branch. The progressives understand this and they exploited it really good, for the advancement of their agenda. In times past, our courts upheld slavery of black people and internment camps for Asians (especially those of Japanese heritage).

Today our Supreme Court ruled that pre-born baby murder is legal (e.g. abortion) and allowed women to copulate without to worry of ever procreating when their busy schedule can’t permit. The Supreme Court also finally allowed people who preferred their same gender the right to “marriage” and thus redefining what the family unit. After all its about “love,” right?

Daniel has a right to be worried about how Justice Neil Gorsuch (who was recently confirmed to the Supreme Court) is phrasing his oral arguments regarding amnesty for illegal aliens. Gorsuch according to Hororwitz is “expressing skepticism” at the argument made by deputy Solicitor General Edwin Kneedler that the Department of Justice should have broad authority the interpret a crime of violence. It seems that according to Gorsuch, that the alien criminal has every right to stay in this country and I quote Hororwitz; “unless the court can determine beyond a shadow of a doubt that the crime is included in statute and that the statute is not “unconstitutionally vague.” He is suggesting that asking the Supreme Court to overturn the activist Ninth Circuit is somehow an act of legislative intervention.” All those people who were on the ‘Trump Train’ that said that we now have a Republican appointed conservative judge, and this why we had to vote for Trump. All I have to say is that these Trump supporters are acting fat, dumb, and happy. Wait till Gorsuch rules in favor of amnesty. I (as well as Horowitz) hope we are wrong about this, but our gut feelings say otherwise.

Meanwhile the religious cleansing continues via the courts. In the state of Pennsylvania, the flag of Lehigh County is now deemed unconstitutional and the “Christian Cross” that has been on the flag for so long need to be removed. Funny thing, the Judge personally did not feel that it violated the First Amendment, but that dreaded precedent made by a lower court judge said there was no “secular purpose” for the Cross. Another victory for the first wave progressive group Freedom From Religion Foundation. Now they are calling for “Secular Voices” to be heard in order to force to county to recreate their country flag without that offensive cross. For a group that is proud to call abortion “a blessing” for women and society, you bet your hard earned dollar that the cross is an offensive to that belief of justified death.

It does not have to be this way. If we ever get a Convention of States started, one of the very first amendments we must propose is an amendment that would take away the courts ability to have a final say regarding our laws of the land (as the one proposed by Mark Levin in his best seller “The Liberty Amendments”). If the courts are going to be a legislative branch of sorts (twisting our U.S. Constitution like taffy to fit their bias), then the real legislative branches should have the ability to overrule their decisions if they feel they are in the wrong. We should also push for term limits for justices and just not grant them life in the bench until they retire or pass away whichever comes first. There must be a Check made on these justices, before these justices put rest of us in Checkmate. It can happen and then the real tyranny shall begin.

This is an open letter to retired CBS News personality Bob Schieffer.

Too many choices Bobby Schieffer? Yes, we indeed have a lot of choices where to get our news; but if your just upset that your beloved CBS News, along with your veteran competition and/or collaborators that thinks just like you think (ABC, NBC, CNN, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post); then take a look in the mirror. You’re the not the only reason why there is more competition these days, but for so many years you were able to shift American culture towards your leftist world views. Now people like me are to you, and that is what you don’t like at all.

You claimed to be objective, but yet you (and your colleagues and like-minded types at other outlets) were able to convince America that the liberal if not progressive ways were more humane. But then comes along the Media Research Center (MRC) to actually call out your progressive convictions tucked away in the news you report, and the news packages that the reporters you worked alongside did. That year was 1987. A year later, an open conservative by the name of Rush Limbaugh signed on as a national syndicated talk show for the first time. His show started after the Democrats had their convention and before the Republicans had their turn. You, Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Tom Brokaw, Walter Cronkite (even if he was enjoying retirement by this time) were all hoping he was just a fad. Instead he will earn the title “America’s Anchorman.”

I should also point out one of your ‘great accomplishments’ as a stealth liberal journalist. You wanted to talk about the government shut down at the time with Senator Ted Cruz and you wanted to blame it on him. The more he denied that he is at fault, the more you laughed at him. If you think Cruz is at fault for a government shutdown, that is fine with me. I know who you are, what you are, and what you’re a part of. Cruz then wanted to get out to the people about how the Obama administration at the time abusing its power and how that made you upset and uncomfortable. Thank You MRC and their Newsbusters site, along with Cruz’s own site for putting it out there on the web. Would CBS ever show that on “Face The Nation” itself? I think not.

Granted not every media outlet does good vetting, and I will always go with Reagan’s rule on the news; “Trust, but verify.” I am sure NOQ Report does go by that motto as well. However, the good ole days of Uncle Walt, Chet Huntley & David Brinkley, John Chancellor, Brokaw, Jennings & Company are long gone. We support your right to exist, because of the First Amendment and how that grants “Freedom of the Press.” Sadly, you have been abusing that right, and that puts the First Amendment in grave danger. You’re a just as guilty as those who honestly do fake news, and even commentary. That is all I have to say, your busy with your new book about media choices called “Overload.” I will not buy your book for the record. In the words of the character Victor Newman on the CBS daytime drama “The Young and the Restless;” “You have a nice day.”

Transgender Laws and why they are so harsh

For many years when people told the LGBTQ “No” to something, these people who want respect based on who they get into bed with, look to government and the law in order to get these people to submit and affirm their sexual lifestyle. Just this week Jerry Brown, who is enjoying a second era of being governor of the People’s Republic of California; just signed into law that allows the state to imprison those people who “use of the wrong gender pronouns.” Not to mention a $1,000 fine, as part of the great “LGBT Senior Bill Of Rights,” although the law at the moment is just limited to California’s nursing homes. Based on the transgender laws that was passed in New York City however, it’s another omen in which the Rainbow Jihad and its progressive allies want to take America into.

Trey Mayes and myself have previously written about the progressives’ war on faith. Mayes correctly pointed out how the humanists (who are just a part of the greater progressive collation) have been successful in turning the American culture against God, while claiming to be on the side of liberty and tolerance. They are neither. The humanists (or whatever terms they want to use; free thinker, deist, skeptic) are part of what I call the first wave of progressivism, in which they cleanse our public square of any mention of faith especially when it comes to the Judeo Christian beliefs that held our society up over the years. They want to outlaw God’s moral laws and make Biblical Christianity (along with Orthodox Judaism) a crime.

As for live and let live, I have read a blunt statement from a humanist activist who was a minster in the very progressive United Church of Christ (and recently deceased) stating that tolerance and respect for bigoty and ignorance “should have no place in our lives.” California State Senator Scott Winner who authored the bill (and is openly gay) said; “Everyone is entitled to their religious view, but when you enter the public space, when you are running an institution, you are in a workplace, you are in a civil setting, and you have to follow the law.”

Winner’s statement is really a conflict of interest, but no surprise. You are entitled to a personal belief but ultimately the emerging ‘civic state religion’ trumps all other faiths. That civic religion at least of the moment requires certain people to call a she who really happens to be he, and a she who is really a he, etc etc. On top of that, you have this gender newspeak with terms like ze, xe, hirs etc etc. It is all by design, by the cultural Marxists to do several things. Destroy God’s ordinated family unit of one man/one woman, and make the state the father, mother, aunt, uncle, and nanny. It is also the goal of the cultural Marxists to make God a liar and prove to him that they can create heaven on earth without his help. Nor do they want to admit they are sinners and repent. That is why they want to use the law punish those who hold a Biblical worldview.

We all have a world view. It’s just right now, the world view of the likes of Winner (based on pagan ideals and customs) are becoming the laws of the state, while the worldviews of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ are falling out of fashion once again (if ever) and eventually becoming criminal. But Jesus himself warned that stuff like this would happen. Still we have to fight and express his Gospel.

Token NYT NeoCon Bret Stephens support Second Amendment Repeal

As much as I am grateful to Bret Stephens and not towing the climate change line (and getting flack for it) or so it seems, and perhaps having realistic views on foreign-affairs; he does not feel the same way when it comes to gun rights and our second Amendment.

The one-time editor and chief of The Jerusalem Post turned token neo-con columnist for The New York Times, just wrote a piece supporting the ideal of repealing the 2nd Amendment of our U.S. Constitution. Stephens calls for the support of the second Amendment as “conservative fetish” and something he just not understands?
Conservative Review’s Chris Pandolfo does a great job of presenting counter stats to the stats that Stephens present in his NYT piece. Stephens admits that Gun Control laws currently will not work in the States due to loopholes and the progressives own statical errors. Stevens also points out correctly that the National Rifle Association (NRA) does not need to buy influence in Washington because they claim high membership. That contrary to what late night talker Jimmy Kimmel said about the NRA, and I don’t want to repeat it.

Stephens is now among those who are pushing for the repeal of the second Amendment, which tells our Government that they can’t infringe on the right to keep and bare arms. He says that Gun ownership should not be outlawed but not “a blanket Constitutional protection.” He also thinks that James Madison would agree with the likes of him because of all the murderous acts in America that happened in recent years.
Stephens either is an idiot, trying to appease the leftist radicals and/or at least keep them quiet or to paraphrase Pandolfo; just a downright fake conservative if not at all.

Let me say it one time. The second amendment is a statement towards the State telling them not to infringe on a well-regulated militia (not just our military and local police and law enforcement who thank goodness, answers to the U.S. Constitution and not the State) is necessary to keep the peace in a free state. If ever the second amendment was successfully repealed, it is only the first domino. More likely the next amendment to be called for repeal is the First Amendment (freedom of religion, free press, and free speech). Then any other amendments that embolden the people instead of the State will also be put on the firing line. The end game for these gun gabbing progressives is for the political will to lie almost entirely with the state and with that will, the power to execute its agenda. Those who will not submit to that agenda will likely be imprisoned and even killed by the State. The people may get killed anyway by the State if they allow certain people to die slowly like they did to people long before.

Stephens is right about one thing. America is in need of moral and constitutional renewal and not a continuation of “our instinct for self-destruction.” I agree with that statement, but I have different direction than what Stephens calls for. For starters, a push for a Convention of States (Article V) and a strong pushback against the first wave progressive groups (ALCU, AU, FFRF etc.) that are eradicating expression of Faith in the public square and man’s need for God.

Politco and GOP Funding Drops

Politco is no right-wing conservative, or right leaning news site but they are reporting on the fact that certain donors are getting tired of broken promises. Among the disgruntled is retired oil and gas investor Thomas Wachtell who warned Mitch McConnell simply to “do something.”

Meanwhile Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina is seeing his donations taking a Wild E. Coyote cliff fall once the recent attempts to repeal elements or all of the Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare were thwarted, and not because of Democrats.

In Las Vegas, Sheldon Adelson is upset that no action as yet been taken to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as promised by then presidential candidate Donald Trump.

In New York, Michael Salzhauer says he will not give the Republican Party any money until they address the issues of Health Care and Taxes.

We did elect more Republicans (just as they told us to do) and while we can blame Republicrat Senators like John McCain and Lisa Murkowski (because they honestly lied about fighting ObamaCare) or a straight up RINO like Susan Collins; the real blame must be laid at the feet at the worst Republicrat of the moment. That being Senate Leader Mitch McConnell. All he did and what he had to do was sit back and watch him minions kill ObamaCare. Not once, not twice, but three times and the Democrats are trying to capitalize on that. But they might want to put some distance between themselves and the current crop of radicals they support. Hey, ditching Jeremiah Wright helped Barack Obama win the White House twice, and he stayed true to his leftist radical self, in spite of the warnings not to empower him. Then again, I am happy to see McCain and Mitt Romney fail in their Presidential bids.

Say what you will about Donald Trump, but one thing that got exposed due to Trump winning the White House is that the Republican Establishment is one big exclusive Country Club. One with no swimming pools or Golf in itself or even one without the Country Music and Line Dancing (i.e. the song “Country Club” popularized by Travis Tritt). Still he is very flawed and backed the wrong horse in Alabama (Luther Strange) who by the way was one of McConnell’s minions. One can hope that he can gut Obama’s vile deal with Iran. He truly needs a win, and that would be a very good one.

Overall the famous political rule of Maurice Duverger, has allowed for a Mitch McConnell to rise up in the ranks and be reward with more and more power. The dirty Democrats being who they are were certainly are grateful to the French Marxist and his contributions to the political world.

The only way for Government to be forced on a diet to the is to take the power away from the Corporatists as well as the Government Bureaucrats and Union Leaders. Picking and choosing individual candidates to support is a great start. If Conservatives within the Republican party are unable to outset a McConnell or one of his lapdogs, then we must do what Christians Church bodies have done over the years, and what disillusioned Whigs did back in the day. Leave and start something brand new. It all comes down to the Grass Roots now, and their sacrifices and money and time to take power away from the Fat Cats. Thomas, Sheldon, and Michael; how about it?

Roxane Gay encourages people to push gun control that makes people follow the rules

Purdue University Associate Professor and New York Times opinion columnist Roxane Gay is calling people to rise up and finally take a stand for Gun Control. Gay however, can’t really make a statement that truly sticks. If she did, people like me will truly call her out on it.

Does Gay really want to punish gun shops who follow the law, when one of their customers alters the product that they buy? The only thing they can do is slap a disclaimer telling their customers not to alter their weapons and force them to have legal contracts of sorts with the customers forcing them to not change the weapons in any way shape or form or they shall be punished by law. That on top of the current state and federal laws and FBI Background checks. Otherwise you know what she is calling for. To hold the gun business accountable for what one of their customers did, and severely punish them for someone else’s sin. Up to imprisoning the managers and/or owners of the gun shop up to closing down the business. She does not say this, but I honestly think that is what she is implying.

She points out how certain things a regulated for the greater good. Nobody is saying that we should not have reasonable regulations and rules regarding driving speeds, food preparation, medical practices etc. Guns are heavily regulated but it’s never enough for Gay. Just say it lady, we should not have a right to own guns and protect ourselves as private citizens.

You say that the concert goers should have a right to survive. OK, how do we do that? I say he allow law abiding citizens to keep and bare arms. You would prefer to have to law enforcement (especially those who will eventually that will answer to progressive and/or tyrannical masterminds) only to bare arms.

She figured out a way to bring up the NFL players and your support of their phony protest. Gay says that we are treating the Constitution like; “a malleable document they can shape to suit their political interests.” Please, take a look in the mirror. Tell me who is selective about the rules of follow? The “political will” however right now sadly favors this Prudue University professor.

I have talked a lot about abortion/baby murder in the past few days, but I would bet you she favors lighter regulations (or none at all) on that industry. Abortion Rights Good. Gun Rights Bad. It all comes down to this. Disarming the people and having absolute control over them, including the Government’s “right” to eventually murder certain people for “the greater good.”