NFL in a fast decline

The NFL is on a fast decline, and these players are only hurting themselves. If there are legit grievances that the local police have done to the African American, then those issues need to be discussed.

This taking a knee in protest during our national anthem, has proven to be the wrong call and the American people are pulling out their yellow cloth (i.e. Penalty Flag) and placing it in the front of these Black Lives Matters sympathizers. I am sure Colin Kaepernick is smiling about what he started since last year.

The African Americans have allowed themselves to be enslaved by the Democrats once again. As Lyndon Baines Johnson advocated and I shall paraphrase; you give them “a little something” to make them comfortable but not too much to upset the Democrat Party nor have the revolt against it. LBJ was successful in having the black community “vote Democratic for the next 200 years.” I pointed out in my previous piece about how minorities made “The Star Spangled Banner” a pop hit in the late 1960’s and early 1990’s (Top 20 hit for the late Whitney Houston).

The Marxists have been able to convince many minority players in the NFL (coupled with the NFL players union) to follow Kaepernick’s example and continue what he started. They are nothing but useful idiots for the progressives to put a wedge against themselves and the fans of the NFL. This knelling is not a protest against police brutality, but rather a protest against America and those who fought and died for what it stands for. Whether they know this or not. The Marxists have successfully turned the African American citizen into the imperial stormtooper (of sorts) for their cause to transform America into another Communist Marxist dystopia. Wait till these Marxists do get what they want and do to the protesters of their beloved nation. It will be a blood bath. Those who take a knee for this brave new country better be prepared be shot by a firing squad, if not thrown into some kind of furnace or lion’s den.

But then again, Steve Deace pointed out a clip (in his “Fake News or Not” segment on his CRTV program) in which an African American Woman guest on CNN tries to put the white male guest in his place; telling him he can’t tell black people what to do and playing her race card. I can only agree with Deace’s analysis on those remarks. Your only helping Trump get stronger, and likely giving Trump a second term in the White House, if not President for life. For all of Trump’s faults, at least he loves his country.

The question I have to ask these NFL players; Do you really love your country? If you do, then understand what you are really saying when you knell during the national anthem. If you honestly do and continue to knell then you should be joining Kaepernick in the Free Agent line, because you don’t love America, and you hate the people that want to see you play. Your vanity could be not only the downfall of you the players, but the organization that is too afraid to reign you guys in. Now if you admit that you are wrong and get your act together and put your helmet in your left hand, and stand proud and tall while (hand over heart optional if I am not mistaken) “The Star Spangled Banner” is sung; then you will show respect for the fans who truly love America (as well as your love for America). Only then can the healing take place.

Our national anthem is not about white power. It’s about why we went to war (and continue to go to war) and what we fought for, was our Liberty. The real haters of American have truly suckered the NFL players and they are laughing to the bank sort of speak. Just goes to show you that Progressiveism has morphed into the would be state and civic religion of our nation.

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